My heart is full…

IMG_1704 IMG_1710 IMG_1711 IMG_1712 IMG_1714 IMG_1718Image IMG_1724 IMG_1736 IMG_1740 IMG_1743Sometimes it hits me; How blessed I am that I have the privilege of being the wife and mommy to the most amazing man and baby. Watching hubs love on LeLe makes my heart full with love. I always thought Brett would make a good daddy, but actually seeing him in action? Well, I don’t think I could have ever prepared for the sweetness that is a daddy/daughter relationship. And this girl loves her daddy like no other. Growing up my mom always encouraged her girls to have special daddy time. Some of my favorite memories are of the fun times I had with my dad; camping, hiking, going to see the newest Disney movie in theaters followed by dinner at Pizza Hut, no matter what he did his focus and attention was 100% on his girls. I want that for Leah and Brett. I want them to have the daddy dates, the “your mommy would never let you do this” moments, the special bond of a girl and her dad. And I know they will have that because, seeing them together, I have never seen a daddy more in love with his baby girl.

5 thoughts on “My heart is full…

  1. Dad says:

    What a wonderful post. I am so happy about the memories you have with me as your Daddy. And I am super happy that you married a man who is such a great father. We are proud of you both and know you will have a fantastic family. Love mom and dad.

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